MBTI® Personality Assessment

The world’s most popular Personality Assessment, MBTI® measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The intent of the original creators of the assessment, Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers was to help women entering the industrial workforce identify the types of jobs where they would be “most comfortable and effective”.

There are 16 possible preferences in MBTI®. The first preference is how one prefers to obtain energy: introversion (I) or extraversion (E), the second is how one prefers to process information intuition (N) or sensing (S). The third is how one prefers to make decisions thinking (T) or feeling (F) and the last is how one prefers to make decisions either judgment (J) or perception (P).

Like most self development assessments, MBTI® improves relationships, increases teamwork, reduces conflicts, and improves communication and ultimately increases efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace.

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Considered a bit unorthodox at first, great ideas start when you can wiggle your toes and have the freedom to think. Get cozy. Our personal philosophy is that if you already spend a large part of your life at the workplace.