Tara Baldwin, MCLC, PCC
Leadership Coach
Tara Baldwin, MCLC, PCC
Leadership Coach
After Graduating from The Broadcasting Institute of Maryland in Communications, with 10 years of previous corporate sales and marketing at CBS, Tara went on to receive her ICF Life Coaching Certification in San Diego, started teaching coaching at Coach U, then was picked from thousands around the world to become a Tony Robbins coach where she studied Neuro Linguistics Programming, achieved top coach in cancel rate of 104 coaches, and 2nd top coach in re‐enroll.
Tara went on to coach Brian Tracy’s coaching sales team to record numbers in 2016, studied under world renown Dr. Joe Dispenza in neuroscience, the brain’s ability to rewire itself for long term change, and the effect of meditation in healing the body. This led Tara to train corporate teams, and leaders in government organizations in sales, management consulting, leadership, mindful leadership, change management, conflict resolution, and communication. She is DISC Certified, and proficient in MBTI, EQ, and the 6 human needs personality profile.
Services include the following:
★ Coaching Skills Training
★ Leadership Development
★ Mindful Leadership Training
★ Wellness Programs
★ Management Consulting
★ Navigating Change
★ Conflict Resolution
★ Sales Training
★ Life Coaching Certification
★ Individual Coaching
★ Building, organizing, and expanding coaching departments
Partial Client list: Nationwide Equities, National Department of Education, clients on Wallstreet, Ford Motors, Facebook, Lockheed Martin
Years of Service: Over 12 years Coaching and Consulting Executives.
Certifications: Certified Leadership Coach, Certified Master Life Coach, Robbins Madanes (recognized as a world renown Master Therapist,) training, AST Advanced Skills training at Tony Robbins, Neuroscience, and the effect of Meditation on healing with under Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Utilization – Typical Clients: Board of Directors, Business Owners, Leadership Councils, Human Resources, Technologies, Customer Service, Marketing, and Finance Leaders, Sales.